The Elmstone Hotel & Spa (Demo)

Cancellation Policy

Refund policy

A one night deposit is required on all online or telephone bookings. A booking confirmation will be sent within 24 hours of booking. Please check carefully that this is correct. In exceptional circumstances the company reserves the right to offer an alternative date of stay or to cancel the reservation(s) with full refund to the payee. No refund will be given for early departure unless caused by significant acts of negligence on the part of the company or its employees. Please note: if you are booking a promotion or a discounted rate, no further discounts or offers can be applied. The company reserves the right to collect pre-authorisation credit card details on arrival to guarantee any additional monies due. Cancellation

All cancellations must be made in writing to You may cancel your reservation without charge up to 48 hours prior to your arrival. You will be charged 100% of the total price for cancellations received within 48 hours of your arrival. If we do not receive any prior notification to cancel your booking, the full price will be charged.